About Frederick County Ag

Frederick County has 1,373 farms. These farms cover a total of 188,567 acres, which is approximately 44% of the total land in the county. Frederick County has a diverse agriculture sector. Livestock raised include dairy and beef cattle, swine, sheep, and goats. Crops grown include corn, soybeans, wheat, forages, vegetables, and fruits. The county also has a growing craft beverage industry.

Contact us

mtownsen@umd.edu Mark Townsend, Agriculture Agent   

sabsum@umd.edu Sabrina Summers, Nutrient Management Advisor

lstrong@umd.edu Lisa Strong, Agriculture Administrative Assistant

University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.

Upcoming Programs

Extension Events

To see what Agriculture related events and workshops are upcoming visit this webpageAgriculture & Food Systems Meetings and Events

For a variety of events and workshops, scroll through the Extension Event Calendar.  Check out the latest news and research Extension is working on. 

Extension News & Events

Women in Agriculture

As the USDA reports, the number of women involved in agriculture has grown in recent years. MidAtlantic Women in Agriculture is dedicated to providing knowledge and resources to women who share a passion for agriculture. 

Wednesday Webinars - offered the second Tuesday of each month.  They are FREE and open to all!  Listing of webinars is on our website. To watch previous webinars go to our webpage.

Maryland Beef Webinar Series

Webinars will be held from 7:30-8:30 pm on the first Thursday of each month. 

Private Applicator Pesticide Training and Exam

If you're looking to acquire a Private Applicator's License, there are a few ways to do this:

  1. We offer optional in-person training each fall; the exam is administered the following week. 
  2. If no in-person trainings are available nearby, here is an online training video as well as a practice exam.  Exams are available to take in Denton, Boonsboro, or Annapolis when MDA offers their commercial exams, every 2 months but subject to change.  See the commercial pesticide exam dates on MDA's website and who to contact to advise that you will be attending the exam and to find out what you will need the day of the exam.

Core manuals are available as a free download, you can also purchase the manual for $15.00 from our office with cash/check. If you need to purchase other manuals please refer to the National Pesticide Safety Education Center.  Maryland commercial applicator manuals available to purchase include - Commercial Applicator Core Manual, Agricultural Pest Control, Aquatic Pest Control, Ornamentals & Turf Pest Control.  

Some things to note for the day of the exam:

  • Exam is administered by the Maryland Department of Agriculture

Interested in obtaining a private pesticide applicator license? Sign up through our registration form and when we have several requests we will schedule a training class and an exam, then you will be contacted with the dates and times.

Private Pesticide Applicator Registration Form

Private Applicator Pesticide Credits

If you are in need of credits to recertify your Private Applicator Pesticide license please view our Pesticide Safety and Training web page and see the listed options under Pesticide Private Applicator Recertification Options.

To view dates and places for Pesticide Training, Exams and Recertification go to -  Pesticide Trainings/Meetings 

Nutrient Management Voucher Applicator Credits

If you are in need of credits to recertify your Nutrient Management Voucher Applicator license please view the options on the Nutrient Management webpage under the 2022/23 Nutrient Voucher and Farm Operator Credits heading.

Additional ways to recertify:

  1. Agricultural Nutrient Management Training Program (MDA). Upcoming available classes that offer credits.
  2. Additional online webinars (MDA). Print out the quiz before you start watching the program so you can follow along. All your answers must be correct to earn CEUs. Mail completed quiz no later than 3 business days after you view the program to MDA at the address provided on the quiz.  Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

To view dates and places for Nutrient Voucher Training/Recertification go to -  FTC and Nutrient Management Voucher Trainings/Meetings 

  • Women in Ag - Interplanting for Pollinators

    Sep 10th

  • Drone Sown & Grown

    Sep 17th
    Creek Bound Farms


  • Drinking Water Contaminants

    Sep 18th
    Online webinar


  • Ag Olympics

    Oct 5th
    Family Fun at the Farm!
    Frederick County Farm Museum
    Rose hill Manor Park

  • Women In Ag - How to Interpret a Soil Test Report

    Oct 8th

  • Cultivating Innovation in Maryland’s Agriculture and Technology Conference

    Dec 12th
    Crowne Plaza Hotel
    Annapolis, MD

Ag Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for help on your farm?  Take a look at A Guide To Custom Operators. If you are a custom operator and would like to be added to our resource guide, sign up here.

Land Rental Rates - USDA, National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) Cash Rental Rates. Page 3 for cropland, non-irrigated rates, page 4 for cropland, irrigated rates. PDF

Lease Agreements

Maryland FarmLink is a website that helps Maryland farmers buy, sell, and lease farmland as well as connect with other farmers. This website is run by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission.

Sources of Technical Assistance, Education, and Support for Farmers in Frederick County Maryland

Ag Links to Resources

Frederick County Extension Ag Facebook page
University of Maryland (home page)
University of Maryland Extension (home page)
Catoctin & Frederick Soil Conservation (home page)

The soil conservation and water quality efforts in the county are channeled through the Soil Conservation District (SCD). The SCD works closely with the Farm Service Agency and Natural Resources Conservation Service to install conservation practices and write conservation plans. The SCD also promotes environmental conservation to the public. Frederick County has two District Boards (Frederick & Catoctin), which are made up of farmers from the county.

Frederick County Government (home page)
  • Frederick County Office of Economic Development - The Office of Economic Development works to increase the overall economic health of Frederick County by attracting new businesses and help existing businesses be more successful. Since agriculture is one of the key industries in the county, the Office of Economic Development assists farmers with promoting agriculture and walking through regulations for items such as zoning and value-added products. Homegrown Frederick, a website and annual magazine that promotes local farms, is published by the Office of Economic Development.

  • Frederick County Agricultural Land Preservation Program - The Agricultural Land Preservation office administers a variety of local, state, and federal land preservation programs focused on protecting agricultural lands. These preservation programs provide many opportunities to the farmers of Frederick County to protect the future of their farmlands and promote natural resource industries.

  • Frederick County Weed Control - 301-600-1586 Frederick County Weed Control operates through a joint partnership between the county government and the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Weed Control enforces the State Weed Control Law which regulates johnsongrass, shattercane, and thistles. They also provide technical assistance to landowners for initiating noxious weed control programs.

  • Maryland Department of Health (MDH), Frederick County Office - The Environmental Health Services Division of the MDH oversees regulations dealing with wells, septic systems, food service facilities, farmers markets, cottage food businesses, and value-added products.

Future Harvest Chesapeake Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (Future Harvest CASA)

Future Harvest CASA provides education, networking, and advocacy to help build a sustainable Chesapeake foodshed; protect our land, water, and air; and provide healthy, nutritious food that sustains the region’s communities and cities. Future Harvest CASA offers field days, meetings, conferences, as well as a Beginning Farmer Training Program.

Hay and Straw for Sale
Homegrown Frederick

Homegrown Frederick is a place where you can find local products, Farmers' Markets, learn about area farms and what is going on in the Ag community.

Maryland Agricultural & Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation

MARBICO is a quasi-public economic development organization that helps Maryland’s farm, forestry, and seafood businesses achieve sustainability and profitability. They offer loan and grant programs for farmers and rural business owners, land preservation programs, partnerships with commercial lenders, and business resources and planning tools for rural entrepreneurs. 

Maryland Department of Agriculture (home page)
Maryland Department of Natural Resources (home page)
  • Forestry Division - The Forestry Division of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources can assist landowners with the establishment, management, and harvesting of trees on their property.

  • Wildlife Division - The Wildlife Division of DNR manages the wildlife in the state. They handle complaints dealing with wildlife damage to crops and issue control permits and work with landowners to develop wildlife management plans.

Maryland FarmLink

Maryland FarmLink is a website that helps Maryland farmers buy, sell, and lease farmland as well as connect with other farmers. This website is run by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission.

Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA)

2020 Legal Services Directory

Mid-Atlantic Farm Credit

Mid-Atlantic Farm Credit is an agricultural lending cooperative. They offer farm, home, and land loans, as well as crop insurance. Farm Credit also has a Beginning Farmer Program and an AgBiz Masters Program for young and beginning farmers.

U.S. Deparment of Agriculture (home page)
  • Farm Service Agency - The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. FSA handles the government cost-share and price support programs, as well as low-interest loans. Disaster programs for drought, freeze, and hail are also handled by FSA. 

  • Grants and Loans

  • Natural Resources Conservation Service - The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is a branch of the United States Department of Agriculture. NRCS provides technical and financial assistance for installing farm practices that reduce soil erosion and benefit water quality. These practices include grass waterways, diversions, crop strips, ponds, watering troughs, manure pits, cover crops, stream buffers, and many more. NRCS also writes conservation plans, which are plans for the implementation of conservation practices on the farm.

  • New Farmer Website - USDA has a section of their website dedicated to new farmers, women in ag, young farmers, and veterans. Information on how to start a farm, business resources, and grants and loans are available on this website

Farm Stress Management

Choose from Financial Resources, Stress Management, or Legal Resources to find a variety of online information, guides, and tools developed to help in each of these areas. 

Farm Stress Management

Nutrient Management Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some quick FAQs regarding nutrient vouchers and certified farm operators (CFOs).

Q: How do I know if my nutrient voucher is still valid?
A: Each voucher holder should have a card with an expiration date on it, and MDA will also send out expiration notices in the mail.

Q: Can I look up if my nutrient voucher is still valid?
A: There is no online way to look them up, however voucher holders may contact MDA's regional offices or headquarters directly to look up that information or email nminfo.mda@maryland.gov.

Q: Where is the list of voucher training courses?
A: MDA Nutrient Management Training webpage

Q: What should a farmer do when attending nutrient voucher training to ensure his/her voucher is updated?
A: The host of the meeting will have sign-in sheets, make sure you sign in (this includes winter meetings for which voucher certification is offered).

Q: What is a certified farm operator (CFO)?
A: A CFO is a farmer who is certified to write their own nutrient management plan for their operation.

Q: I want to write my own plan, how do I become a CFO?
A: Sign up for a class!

Q: How many nutrient management CEUs do I need to keep my CFO certification valid?
A: You will need 2 credits within the first year, and 6 credits every 3 years thereafter.

Q: How do I know when my CFO certification needs to be renewed?
A: Each CFO should have a card with an expiration date on it, and MDA will also send out renewal notices in the mail.

Q: What do I do when I receive a renewal notice?
A: You will need to report qualifying CEUs that you received over the past 1 year/3 years and send the notice back to MDA. If you are unsure of when you received CEUs, you can contact MDA's regional offices or headquarters to find out. Good recordkeeping is your best bet.

Q: Where can I find out more about Nutrient Management?
A: University of MD Extension Agriculture Nutrient Management Program

Forage or Soil Probes

The Frederick County Extension Office has soil probes, and a forage (hay) probe that you may borrow to take your samples that you will send to a lab for analysis. 

1. Please download and fill out the Probe Sign-Out fillable form and email it to us to request an appointment to borrow a probe.

2. We will contact you and schedule your appointment to pick up the probe and drop off your $100.00 deposit (cash or check) for the use of the probe.  Probes are to be returned within a two-week time frame.  Pick up times will be Monday-Friday 8:00 am- 4:30 pm on days when someone is physically in the office.

3. Please contact our office to confirm when you will return the probe so we can exchange the probe for your deposit and have you sign that you received your returned deposit.  Drop off times will be Monday-Friday 8:00 am- 4:30 pm on days when someone is physically in the office.

Soil Probe

Point of contact: Lisa Strong  lstrong@umd.edu   301-600-3576

Lab information - publications:

Forage Probe

Point of contact: Lisa Strong   lstrong@umd.edu   301-600-3576

List of Certified Labs - Click on the NFTA Certified Laboratories link.

Forage Sampler Usage:
Round shank adapter for use with electric drill of 1/2 hp or 18 volt capacity (recommended). Dowel plunger is supplied to remove moist or packed samples. Each sample needs to be removed prior to taking another sample.

Sampling Video (North Carolina State Extension)
Steps for Good Sampling Methods (University of California Extension)
Forage Sampling Procedures and Equipment (Kansas State Extension)

Research and Reports

2022 Corn Hybrid Trials Results

2022 Corn Hybrid Trials results are performed annually at multiple UMD Research and Education Centers. The factsheet can also be downloaded from the MD Crops website.

Many thanks to Louis Thorne, Joe Crank, and CJ Chansler for their leadership and management of the trials, from seed organization, to planting, to harvest. These trials could not be completed without them.

We are grateful for the funding provided by Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board to support these trials. MGPUB provides our program with checkoff funding to support applied agricultural research and generate results that directly benefit Maryland producers.

2022 Wheat and Barley Yield and Disease Trials

Report (PDF)


2019 Soybean Planting Population

Description of Research

The current soybean planting population recommendation for full season soybeans in Maryland is 140,000 plants per acre (ppa). However, this recommendation is based on research conducted in the early 2000s on initial Roundup Ready® varieties in minimum tillage systems (Kratochvil, Pearce, & Harrison, Jr. 2004). Today, farmers have switched to no-till soybean production and have access to the second generation of Roundup Ready® soybeans as well as many newer varieties. While the recommended seeding rate provides adequate yield from these newer varieties, formal research has not been conducted in Maryland to determine if they can still yield at lower populations in no-till production.


Kratochvil, R.J., Pearce, J.T., & Harrison, Jr., M.R. (2004). Row-Spacing and Seeding Rate Effects on Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean for Mid-Atlantic Production Systems. Agron. J., 96, 1029-1038.


Effects of Planting Population on Yield in Full Season Soybeans

2019 Weed Control In No-Till Pumpkins

Description of Research

Objective - Evaluate potential of Dual Magnum as an overlapping residual approach for pumpkin production throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region. This study was conducted at the Western Maryland Research & Education Center in Keedysville, MD, the Penn State Research & Education Center in Rock Springs, PA, and at the University of Delaware Research & Education Center in Georgetown, DE.


Overlapping Residuals in Pumpkin Report

2019 Potential Herbicides to Control Problem Weeds in Snap Beans

Description of Research

Objective - To evaluate herbicide effectiveness of these potential herbicides when used in combination with herbicides as compared to current standards. Also, to determine the effect of these herbicide treatments on snap bean stand, injury, and yield. This study is being conducted at the Western Maryland Research & Education Center in Keedysville, MD, the Penn State Research & Education Center in Rock Springs, PA, and at the University of Delaware Research & Education Center in Georgetown, DE. Data from only the Maryland site is included in this article.


Snap Bean Herbicide Trial



August 27, 2024

  • We're Hiring
  • Ag Olympics
  • Maryland State Fair
  • Women In Agriculture - Interplanting for Pollinators
  • Drone Sown & Grown
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Drinking Water Contaminants
  • Women in Agriculture - How to Interpret a Soil Test Report
  • 2024 Cultivating Innovation in Maryland’s Agriculture and Technology Conference
  • USDA - Notice to Beneficiaries and Prospective Beneficiaries

June 6, 2024

  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a Focus on Solar Development
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Syngenta: Paraquat Training Webinars
  • Stains and Stinks of Drinking Water
  • Equine Grazing School
  • Maryland Weed Management Tour
  • Tour of Leopold Conservation Award Winners: Burrier’s Linganore Farm
  • The 2024 Montgomery County Annual Farm Tour & Harvest Sale

May 10, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Financial Assistance for Septic Systems and Wells
  • Maryland Grain Producers: Small Grain Field Days
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle! How to Establish a Full Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned for Agricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Cover Crop Grazing Workshop with Dr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Drone Image Analysis Workshop
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Field Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together: Maryland's Peer-Powered Land Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars: Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar: Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainability in Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Answering Your Questions About Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production: Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland Agricultural Pesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm and Business Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as an Alternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western Maryland Regional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in Agriculture Regional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop: Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development & Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project: Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of Maryland Nutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance: Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Penn State Extension: Franklin County Crops Day
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • Northern Maryland Field Crops Day
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference
  • Grain Marketing Update 2024

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to the Nutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results From Conservation Practices
  • Rodale Institute
    • Impact Of Soil Management On Soil Health And Vegetables
    • Soil Microbes and Bean Nutrient in Organic and Conventional Systems
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What New Homeowners Need to Know About a Septic System
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring: Nutrient Management Advisor Frederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health Coalition Fencepost Fundamentals: Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Future Harvest: Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event: Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results from Conservation Practices

September 7, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to an Advanced Treatment Septic System
  • Pumpkin Twilight Tour
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Production with Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Pond Management Basics
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Wednesday Webinars: Alternate Fertility Sources for Forage Systems
  • Agronomy Weed Science Tour
  • Maryland State Horticultural Society Summer Tour
  • Frederick Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Penn State Extension Agronomic Field Diagnostic Clinic
  • GROW Farmer Forum on Cover Crop Seeding
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Drinking Water Treatment
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates 10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture Projects Supported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars: Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go! With Bay Journal Editor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar: Large-Scale Solar from the Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm Bureau Farm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What We Need to Know About PFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars: Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture: 2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs for Private Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • County Calls for Applications for Critical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March 2, 2023

  • Diacamba Pesticide Training
  • Wednesday Webinars Smartphone Studio
  • Wednesday Water Webinar Basic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part 1 Zoom Event
  • Conservation Drainage Network 2023 Annual Meeting
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Webinars
  • Diversify Your Cover Crops On-Farm Series
  • Application Period Opens for MD Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training Carroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial Applicator Recertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health: Presented by Catoctin and Frederick SCD's & The Frederick Co. FB
  • Women In Ag Wednesday Webinars: Precision Agriculture Hardware and Equipment
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Plan Update Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday: Agronomic Considerations for Planting Wildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In Agriculture Regional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues: Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio


August 27, 2024

  • We're Hiring
  • Ag Olympics
  • Maryland State Fair
  • Women In Agriculture - Interplanting for Pollinators
  • Drone Sown & Grown
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Drinking Water Contaminants
  • Women in Agriculture - How to Interpret a Soil Test Report
  • 2024 Cultivating Innovation in Maryland’s Agriculture and Technology Conference
  • USDA - Notice to Beneficiaries and Prospective Beneficiaries

June 6, 2024

  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a Focus on Solar Development
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Syngenta: Paraquat Training Webinars
  • Stains and Stinks of Drinking Water
  • Equine Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at Plow and Stars Farm
  • Maryland Weed Management Tour
  • Pasture Walk at the Central MD Research and Education Center
  • Tour of Leopold Conservation Award Winners: Burrier’s Linganore Farm
  • The 2024 Montgomery County Annual Farm Tour & Harvest Sale

May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Financial Assistance for Septic Systems and Wells
  • Pasture Walk at New Roots Farm
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance: Agroforestry Field Day
  • Maryland Grain Producers: Small Grain Field Days
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle! How to Establish a Full Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Microplastics – Concerns and What Can We Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned for Agricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Ruminants: To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Cover Crop Grazing Workshop with Dr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Field Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together: Maryland's Peer-Powered Land Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars: Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar: Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainability in Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Answering Your Questions About Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production: Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland Agricultural Pesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm and Business Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as an Alternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western Maryland Regional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in Agriculture Regional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop: Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development & Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project: Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of Maryland Nutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference: Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance: Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Penn State Extension: Franklin County Crops Day
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference
  • Grain Marketing Update 2024

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to the Nutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Backyard Farming Zoom Sessions: Small Ruminant 911s
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results From Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What New Homeowners Need to Know About a Septic System
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring: Nutrient Management Advisor Frederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health Coalition Fencepost Fundamentals: Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest: Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event: Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results from Conservation Practices

September 7, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to an Advanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Production with Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing Season Virtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars: Alternate Fertility Sources for Forage Systems
  • Agronomy Weed Science Tour
  • Frederick Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future Harvest Regenerative Grazing, Silvopasture and More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Beef Summer Field Day
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Online Courses: Proper Stockmanship and/or Livestock Marketing
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates 10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture Projects Supported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars: Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go! With Bay Journal Editor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar: Large-Scale Solar from the Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm Bureau Farm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What We Need to Know About PFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Proper Livestock Marketing
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars: Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture: 2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs for Private Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for Applications for Critical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March 2, 2023

  • Wednesday Webinars Smartphone Studio
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part 1 Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water Webinar Basic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover Crops On-Farm Series
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens for MD Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training Carroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial Applicator Recertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health: Presented by Catoctin and Frederick SCD's & The Frederick Co. FB
  • Women In Ag Wednesday Webinars: Precision Agriculture Hardware and Equipment
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Plan Update Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday: Agronomic Considerations for Planting Wildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In Agriculture Regional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues: Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio


August 27, 2024

  • We're Hiring
  • Ag Olympics
  • Maryland State Fair
  • Women In Agriculture - Interplanting for Pollinators
  • Drone Sown & Grown
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Drinking Water Contaminants
  • Women in Agriculture - How to Interpret a Soil Test Report
  • 2024 Cultivating Innovation in Maryland’s Agriculture and Technology Conference
  • USDA - Notice to Beneficiaries and Prospective Beneficiaries

June 6, 2024

  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a Focus on Solar Development
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Syngenta: Paraquat Training Webinars
  • Stains and Stinks of Drinking Water
  • Equine Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at Plow and Stars Farm
  • Maryland Weed Management Tour
  • Pasture Walk at the Central MD Research and Education Center
  • Tour of Leopold Conservation Award Winners: Burrier’s Linganore Farm
  • The 2024 Montgomery County Annual Farm Tour & Harvest Sale

May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Financial Assistance for Septic Systems and Wells
  • Pasture Walk at New Roots Farm
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance: Agroforestry Field Day
  • Maryland Grain Producers: Small Grain Field Days
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle! How to Establish a Full Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Microplastics – Concerns and What Can We Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned for Agricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Ruminants: To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Cover Crop Grazing Workshop with Dr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Field Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together: Maryland's Peer-Powered Land Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars: Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar: Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainability in Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Answering Your Questions About Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production: Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland Agricultural Pesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm and Business Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as an Alternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western Maryland Regional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in Agriculture Regional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop: Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development & Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project: Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of Maryland Nutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Milk Quality Workshop: Tools to Reduce Mastitis on Your Farm
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference: Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance: Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Penn State Extension: Franklin County Crops Day
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference
  • Grain Marketing Update 2024

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to the Nutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • Future Harvest: Nice Farms Creamery Field Day
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results From Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What New Homeowners Need to Know About a Septic System
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring: Nutrient Management Advisor Frederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health Coalition Fencepost Fundamentals: Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest: Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event: Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results from Conservation Practices

September 6, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to an Advanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Production with Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing Season Virtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Maryland State Sale
  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars: Alternate Fertility Sources for Forage Systems
  • Agronomy Weed Science Tour
  • Frederick Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future Harvest Regenerative Grazing, Silvopasture and More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Online Courses: Proper Stockmanship and/or Livestock Marketing
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates 10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture Projects Supported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars: Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go! With Bay Journal Editor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar: Large-Scale Solar from the Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm Bureau Farm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What We Need to Know About PFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Proper Livestock Marketing
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars: Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture: 2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs for Private Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for Applications for Critical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • Spring Dairy Awards Banquet
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March 2, 2023

  • Wednesday Webinars Smartphone Studio
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part 1 Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water Webinar Basic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover Crops On-Farm Series
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens for MD Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training Carroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial Applicator Recertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health: Presented by Catoctin and Frederick SCD's & The Frederick Co. FB
  • 2023 Pennsylvania Dairy Summit
  • Women In Ag Wednesday Webinars: Precision Agriculture Hardware and Equipment
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Plan Update Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday: Agronomic Considerations for Planting Wildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In Agriculture Regional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues: Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio

January 5, 2023

  • 2023 Pennsylvania Farm Show
  • Delaware Ag Week 2023
  • Carroll County Mid-Winter Meeting
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Smart Use of Deicing Salts
  • VA Cooperative Extension:
    • Recordkeeping on your Computer or Smartphone
    • How to Write a Business Plan for Lenders
  • 2023 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: 2023 Winter Forage Conference Series
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Workshop 
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Private Applicator Recertification Carroll County
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update

December 1, 2022

  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Carroll County Office
  • Nutrient Management Voucher Training & Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey
  • We're Hiring: Agricultural Technician Lead
  • Cattle Health Management - CALVING 
  • Ag Law Education Initiative Upcoming Events & Programs
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Winter Care for a Septic System
  • Wednesday Webinar: Understanding Property Purchase Agreements
  • Application Period for 2022 Creek ReLeaf Program Will Close on December 15, 2022
  • Holiday Wishes
  • A Guide to Custom Operators

November 3, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office Central Cluster Area Extension Director
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey Open
  • Adult Mental Health First Aid: Virtual Applied Skills Workshop
  • Dairy Animal Care Workshop-Garrett County
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Benchmarking for Success
  • Wednesday Webinar: Keeping Your Fields Fine and Dandy-lion Free
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training and Testing- Washington County
  • Pasture Walk at UMD Beef Demonstration Site
  • Cattle Health Management - Calving

September 30, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office 4-H Youth Development Agent
  • MD 4-H Foundation's 38th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Open House: Institute of Applied Agriculture 
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Utilizing Crop Residue as a Forage Source
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agriculture Leases
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Things New Homeowners Need to Know About Their Septic System
  • Stakeholder Meetings Value Added Center
  • Maryland Advanced Grazing Workshop with Ranching for Profit
  • Wednesday Webinar: Regulatory Decision Trees for Value-Added Foods
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School

September 1, 2022

  • Pesticide and Nutrient Voucher Training & Recertification
  • Potomac Edison Agricultural Energy Efficient Incentive Program
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Effective Pesticide Application Twilight - WyeREC
  • Online Course: The Woods in Your Backyard
  • Let's Talk About Climate Change: Motivate Everyone You Know to Be Part of the Solution
  • Solar Workshops
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Spring Stocker Cattle Recap: Successes and Lessons Learned
  • Wednesday Webinar: Decision Making Resources and Tools for Cover Cropping and Other Best Management Practices
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farming Time Management
  • Maryland’s 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program
  • Woodland & Wildlife Wednesdays
  • Pasture Walk at Kefauver Farms
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Maryland Grazing School
  • We're Hiring - Business Services Specialist

July 28, 2022

  • 2022 Wheat and Barley Yield and Disease Trial
  • ALEI August Webinar Series
  • ANMP Summer Series Part 2: Optimizing Fertilizer Use and Phosphorus Mining
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Pasture Management: Stockpiling Tips 
  • New MDA Animal Diagnostic Lab and Education Tour 
  • Solar on the Farm
  • Virtual Forum: We Need an Epidemic of Climate Action
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farm Stress Management and Resiliency
  • Pasture Walk at Sines Family Farm
  • Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2022 Field Day 
  • The Maryland State Fair
  • Penn State's Ag Progress Days
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Maryland's 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program

June 30, 2022

  • Cover Your Bases - Plant Cover Crops
  • 2022 Maryland Commodity Classic
  • Tractor College: Maryland Soybean Board and Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board
  • North American Manure Expo: “Professionalism in Nutrient Management”
  • Frederick County Farm Bureau Annual Picnic
  • Farming Practices Request
  • Upcoming Webinars & Field Days

March 9, 2022

  • Avian Influenza
  • Dicamba and Paraquat Trainings
  • MDA Farming for Healthy Soil Program
  • Free Therapy Services for Farm Families
  • Applications Open for Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Questions During the Growing Season?
  • FCMG Plant Sale

January 28, 2022

  • Ag Agent Position
  • USDA Confirms Additional Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • Central MD Agronomy Update Meeting
  • Well Water Quality Survey and Project
  • AIR Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Farmer Training and Certification
  • Annie's Project
  • Solar Development Leasing: University of Maryland Focus Group Interest & Availability
  • Solar Workshops
  • Upcoming Ag Programs

Pasture Walk

August 27, 2024

  • We're Hiring
  • Ag Olympics
  • Maryland State Fair
  • Women In Agriculture - Interplanting for Pollinators
  • Drone Sown & Grown
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Drinking Water Contaminants
  • Women in Agriculture - How to Interpret a Soil Test Report
  • 2024 Cultivating Innovation in Maryland’s Agriculture and Technology Conference
  • USDA - Notice to Beneficiaries and Prospective Beneficiaries

June 6, 2024

  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a Focus on Solar Development
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Stains and Stinks of Drinking Water
  • Equine Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at Plow and Stars Farm
  • Maryland Weed Management Tour
  • Pasture Walk at the Central MD Research and Education Center
  • Tour of Leopold Conservation Award Winners: Burrier’s Linganore Farm
  • The 2024 Montgomery County Annual Farm Tour & Harvest Sale

May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Financial Assistance for Septic Systems and Wells
  • Pasture Walk at New Roots Farm
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance: Agroforestry Field Day
  • Maryland Grain Producers: Small Grain Field Days
  • Boots to Business Emerging Farmer
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle! How to Establish a Full Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament

April 8, 2024

  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Microplastics – Concerns and What Can We Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned for Agricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Ruminants: To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Cover Crop Grazing Workshop with Dr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Field Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together: Maryland's Peer-Powered Land Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars: Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Soil Health To Go! With One Acre Farm
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar: Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainability in Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Answering Your Questions About Septic Systems
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Organic Vegetable Production: Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland Agricultural Pesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • UME & Maryland Horse Board: FARMING & FINANCES: Agricultural Accounting Seminar
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm and Business Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as an Alternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western Maryland Regional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in Agriculture Regional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop: Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Maryland Dairy Shrine: Annual Banquet
  • Workforce Development & Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project: Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of Maryland Nutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference: Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance: Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to the Nutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • Future Harvest: Nice Farms Creamery Field Day
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Backyard Farming Zoom Sessions: Small Ruminant 911s
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results From Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What New Homeowners Need to Know About a Septic System
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring: Nutrient Management Advisor Frederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health Coalition Fencepost Fundamentals: Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest: Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event: Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results from Conservation Practices

September 6, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Future Harvest: Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications are now available
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to an Advanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Production with Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing Season Virtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars: Alternate Fertility Sources for Forage Systems
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future Harvest Regenerative Grazing, Silvopasture and More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates 10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture Projects Supported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars: Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go! With Bay Journal Editor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar: Large-Scale Solar from the Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm Bureau Farm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What We Need to Know About PFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Maryland Commodity Classic 2023
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars: Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture: 2023 Deer Summit
  • Financial Assistance Programs for Private Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for Applications for Critical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Agritourism: How to Fully Utilize Your Land & Resources
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Introduction to Permaculture and Site Design Workshop
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March 2, 2023

  • Wednesday Webinars Smartphone Studio
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part 1 Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water Webinar Basic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover Crops On-Farm Series
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens for MD Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training Carroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial Applicator Recertification Course
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health: Presented by Catoctin and Frederick SCD's & The Frederick Co. FB
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Plan Update Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday: Agronomic Considerations for Planting Wildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In Agriculture Regional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Poultry Legal Issues: Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio

January 5, 2023

  • 2023 Pennsylvania Farm Show
  • Delaware Ag Week 2023
  • Wednesday Webinars: Benchmarking for Success of the Cow-Calf Herd
  • Future Harvest Conference
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Smart Use of Deicing Salts
  • VA Cooperative Extension:
    • Recordkeeping on your Computer or Smartphone
    • How to Write a Business Plan for Lenders
  • 2023 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: 2023 Winter Forage Conference Series
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Workshop 
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Private Applicator Recertification Carroll County
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update

December 1, 2022

  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Carroll County Office
  • Nutrient Management Voucher Training & Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey
  • We're Hiring: Agricultural Technician Lead
  • Cattle Health Management - CALVING 
  • Ag Law Education Initiative Upcoming Events & Programs
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Wintering Bulls & Cows
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Winter Care for a Septic System
  • Wednesday Webinar: Understanding Property Purchase Agreements
  • Application Period for 2022 Creek ReLeaf Program Will Close on December 15, 2022
  • Future Harvest Annual Conference
  • Holiday Wishes
  • A Guide to Custom Operators

November 3, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office Central Cluster Area Extension Director
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey Open
  • Adult Mental Health First Aid: Virtual Applied Skills Workshop
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Benchmarking for Success
  • Wednesday Webinar: Keeping Your Fields Fine and Dandy-lion Free
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training and Testing- Washington County
  • Pasture Walk at UMD Beef Demonstration Site
  • Cattle Health Management - Calving

September 30, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office 4-H Youth Development Agent
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Maryland Advanced Grazing Workshop with Ranching for Profit
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference

September 1, 2022

  • Pesticide and Nutrient Voucher Training & Recertification
  • Potomac Edison Agricultural Energy Efficient Incentive Program
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Effective Pesticide Application Twilight - WyeREC
  • Online Course: The Woods in Your Backyard
  • Let's Talk About Climate Change: Motivate Everyone You Know to Be Part of the Solution
  • Solar Workshops
  • Wednesday Webinar: Decision Making Resources and Tools for Cover Cropping and Other Best Management Practices
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farming Time Management
  • Maryland’s 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program
  • Woodland & Wildlife Wednesdays
  • Pasture Walk at Kefauver Farms
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Maryland Grazing School
  • We're Hiring - Business Services Specialist

July 28, 2022

July 28, 2022

  • ALEI August Webinar Series
  • ANMP Summer Series Part 2: Optimizing Fertilizer Use and Phosphorus Mining
  • Solar on the Farm
  • Virtual Forum: We Need an Epidemic of Climate Action
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farm Stress Management and Resiliency
  • The Maryland State Fair
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Maryland's 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program

June 30, 2022

  • Tractor College: Maryland Soybean Board and Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board
  • Farming Practices Request
  • Upcoming Webinars

March 9, 2022

  • Maryland Beef Webinars
  • Avian Influenza
  • MDA Farming for Healthy Soil Program
  • 2022 Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop
  • Free Therapy Services for Farm Families
  • Applications Open for Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Questions During the Growing Season?
  • FCMG Plant Sale

January 28, 2022

  • Ag Agent Position
  • USDA Confirms Additional Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • Central MD Agronomy Update Meeting
  • Well Water Quality Survey and Project
  • AIR Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Farmer Training and Certification
  • Annie's Project
  • Solar Development Leasing: University of Maryland Focus Group Interest & Availability
  • Solar Workshops
  • Upcoming Ag Programs

Small Farms

August 27, 2024

  • We're Hiring
  • Ag Olympics
  • Maryland State Fair
  • Women In Agriculture - Interplanting for Pollinators
  • Drone Sown & Grown
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Drinking Water Contaminants
  • Women in Agriculture - How to Interpret a Soil Test Report
  • 2024 Cultivating Innovation in Maryland’s Agriculture and Technology Conference
  • USDA - Notice to Beneficiaries and Prospective Beneficiaries

June 6, 2024

  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a Focus on Solar Development
  • Good Agricultural Practices, Introduction to Produce Safety Rule
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Stains and Stinks of Drinking Water
  • Equine Grazing School
  • Pasture Walk at Plow and Stars Farm
  • Maryland Weed Management Tour
  • Pasture Walk at the Central MD Research and Education Center
  • Tour of Leopold Conservation Award Winners: Burrier’s Linganore Farm
  • The 2024 Montgomery County Annual Farm Tour & Harvest Sale

May 10, 2024

  • 2024 Strawberry Twilight Tour
  • 2024 Basic Grazing School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Financial Assistance for Septic Systems and Wells
  • VT/Virginia Soil Health Alliance: Agroforestry Field Day
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Maryland Grain Producers: Small Grain Field Days
  • Boots to Business Emerging Farmer
  • Rodale Institute: Prepare for Battle! How to Establish a Full Spectrum Organic IPM Program
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • 4-H 40th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a focus on Solar Development

April 8, 2024

  • Soil Health to Go!
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Microplastics – Concerns and What Can We Do About Them
  • Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Adams County Soil Quality Meeting
  • Labor Webinars Planned for Agricultural Employers
  • Hemp Dos And Don’ts
  • 2024 Shooting Clays Fundraiser
  • High Tunnel Workshop at Clagett Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Hidden Waters Farm
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Small Ruminants: To Cull Or Not To Cull?
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Cover Crop Grazing Workshop with Dr. Allen Williams and Mark Bodkin
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • IPM Review for Ag Service Providers
  • Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Field Day: Dr. Allen Williams
  • Cover Crop Field Day
  • Grazing Field Day

March 8, 2024

  • Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • Cultivating Knowledge Together: Maryland's Peer-Powered Land Use Workshop
  • 2024 Webinars: Farm Well Drinking Water Quality
  • Free At-Home Drinking Water Testing
  • Soil Health To Go! With One Acre Farm
  • Unlocking The Potential Of Biochar: Impacts On Soil Health And Productivity
  • Transition to Organic: Seeding Sustainability in Maryland Agriculture
  • Delmarva and the Ground for Change
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Answering Your Questions About Septic Systems
  • Organic Vegetable Production: Cover Crops And No-Till Techniques
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Strategies to Extend the Grazing Season

February 1, 2024

  • Welcome Sabrina Summers
  • We're Hiring
  • Revive Compost
  • Carroll County Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification
  • 2024 Maryland Agricultural Pesticide Conference
  • DelMarVa Soil Summit
  • UME & Maryland Horse Board: FARMING & FINANCES: Agricultural Accounting Seminar
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: USDA Information Session
  • Grain Marketing Meetings
  • Managing Human Risk in the Farm and Business Conference
  • 2024 Webinars: Miscanthus as an Alternative Crop in the Mid-Atlantic
  • 2024 Western Maryland Regional Fruit Meeting
  • 23rd Women in Agriculture Regional Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Record Keeping on Your Computer Or Smartphone
  • 2024 Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Cottage Foods Business Workshop: Basics, Next Steps & Beyond
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Diversifying Streams of Revenue On Your Farm
  • Workforce Development & Extension Internships
  • Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project: Have Your Say….

January 12, 2024

  • University of Maryland Nutrient Management Plan Reminders
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course now open!
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Basic Tips to Maintain a Septic System
  • Future Harvest 2024 Annual Conference: Nourish and Flourish
  • 2024 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Bi-weekly (every other) Grain Marketing Meetings: Frederick and Carroll Counties
  • Pennsylvania No Till Alliance: Winter Meeting - East
  • 2024 Manure Management Workshop
  • 2024 Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update Meeting

December 1, 2023

  • Stock up for Spring with Revive Compost™ and Double-ground Mulch from Frederick County
  • 2023 Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Recertification
  • Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Rodale Webinar: Impact of traditional and regenerative tillage on soil health and nutrient quality of organic broccoli
  • 2023 Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
  • 2023 Mountains-to-Bay Grazing Alliance Grazing Conference

October 27, 2023

  • New Updates to the Nutrient Management Program
  • Upcoming Trainings - Pesticide and Nutrient Management Voucher
  • Penn State Extension
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Cover Crop Termination
    • Fencepost Fundamentals: Crops and Nitrogen Management
  • Future Harvest: Nice Farms Creamery Field Day
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore: 20th Annual Small Farm Conference
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Backyard Farming Zoom Sessions: Small Ruminant 911s
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results From Conservation Practices
  • Pasture Walk at Sasscer Farms
  • Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What New Homeowners Need to Know About a Septic System
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference
  • Virginia Tech: Organic Farming: Tillage, Chemical Abstinence and Soil Resource Protection

October 2, 2023

  • We're Hiring: Nutrient Management Advisor Frederick County - Position #128841
  • Upcoming Trainings (Pesticide & Nutrient Voucher)
  • 2023 Women in Agriculture Fall Tour
  • PA Soil Health Coalition Fencepost Fundamentals: Choosing a Cover Crop
  • PASA: Organic, ROC, OPT - what do these certifications and labels mean for dairy graziers and how are they accessed?
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • VT/Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp
    • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest: Member Meet-up at Farmacy Brewery
  • Wednesday Webinars: Estate Planning
  • Ranching for Profit Workshop
  • Future Harvest: Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications are now available
  • Winter Care for your Well and Septic System
  • Pasture Walk at Ambling Brook Farm
  • Train-the-trainer: Integrated Pest Management for Urban and Small Farms Series
  • AGNR Cornerstone Event: Advancing Agricultural Production Systems
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore: 20th Annual Small Farm Conference
  • 2023 Advanced Cover Cropping Field Day
  • Wednesday Webinars: Getting More Results from Conservation Practices

September 6, 2023

  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Future Harvest: Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications are now available
  • Future Harvest: CSA Farming Field Day at Potomac Vegetable Farms
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes
  • Beginning Care Farmer Virtual Series
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Upgrading to an Advanced Treatment Septic System
  • Maryland Grazing School 2023
  • Pumpkin Twilight Tour
  • Nutrient Management Training Course: Farmer Training & Certification (FTC) Online: For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
  • Pasture Walk at Aerie Farm East
  • Produce Safety Field Day at Terp Farm
  • Penn State/Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition: Cover Crop Interseeding Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council:
    • 2023 Stockmanship/Grazing Infrastructure Training
    • Virginia 2023 Cattlemen's Boot Camp

August 3, 2023

  • Virginia Tech Webinars
    • Soil Health and Organic Production with Mark Schonbeck
    • Biological Nutrient Management and Soil Health with Mark Schonbeck
  • Penn State: Ag Progress Days
  • Women in Ag - Wednesday Webinars: Smart Actions for Mental Health
  • Horticultural Twilight Meeting/Seminar
  • Pasture Management Seminar
  • Frederick County Grain Marketing Meeting
  • Invasive Species Affecting Virginia - Spotted Lanternfly and Asian Longhorn Tick
  • 2023 UMES Ag Showcase with Atlantic Tractor
  • Wednesday Water Webinars - Pond Management Basics
  • Pasture Walk at Leaning Pine Farm
  • Extending The Sheep & Goat Grazing Season Virtual Pasture Walk
  • Record Keeping for Regenerative Farming
  • 2023 4R Symposium
  • County Calls for Installment Purchase Program Applications

July 7, 2023

  • Pasture Walk - WMREC
  • Flower Production Field Day At Winding Root Farm
  • 2023 Tick Education / Pasture Walk Series
  • Wednesday Webinars: Alternate Fertility Sources for Forage Systems
  • Maryland State Horticultural Society Summer Tour
  • Nutrient Management Plan Writing Summit
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Drinking Water Treatment
  • Future Harvest Regenerative Grazing, Silvopasture and More at Porch View Farm
  • USDA FSA Information Session
  • Beekeeping & Animal Husbandry
  • Future Harvest Meet-Up at Milkhouse Brewery
  • Estate Planning and Land Transition
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Organic Market Development Grant Opportunity
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Online Courses: Proper Stockmanship and/or Livestock Marketing
  • Beginner Farmer Training Program
  • Office of Economic Development Celebrates 10 Years of Homegrown Frederick
  • Innovative Agriculture Projects Supported by County Grants

June 8, 2023

  • Frederick County's 275th Anniversary Jubilee Schedule of Events
  • Wednesday Webinars: Creating a Farm Lease Agreement
  • Soil Health To Go! With Bay Journal Editor-At-Large, Karl Blankenship
  • Penn State Extension Webinar: Large-Scale Solar from the Developer Perspective
  • Frederick County Farm Bureau Farm Safety Camp
  • Cultivating Conservation Workshop Webinar
  • Virtual Small Farm Orientation
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: What We Need to Know About PFAS – the Forever Chemicals
  • Pasture Walk: Clear Springs Creamery
  • Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions Proper Livestock Marketing
  • Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance
  • Beginner Farmer Training Program
  • Marylanders Online Call Center
  • We're Hiring

May 5, 2023

  • Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinars: Farm Well and Septic Care
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture: 2023 Deer Summit
  • 2023 Strawberry Twilight Tour
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation
  • Financial Assistance Programs for Private Wells and Septic Systems
  • Small Grains Field Day
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: Summer Pasture Walk at Burnley Farm
  • Pasture Walk at Goose Hill Farm
  • County Calls for Applications for Critical Farms Program

April 7, 2023

  • We're Hiring
  • Hoof Health Workshop for Dairy
  • Sustainable Food Lecture Series
  • Agritourism: How to Fully Utilize Your Land & Resources
  • Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars
  • Soil Health To Go!
  • Eat, Drink & be Maryland
  • Small Farm Orientation
  • Making Dollars and Sense Out of Backyard Poultry
  • Wednesday Water Webinars
  • Wildlife Wednesday
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council
  • 2023 Basic Grazing School
  • Introduction to Permaculture and Site Design Workshop
  • Pasture Walk at University of Maryland Dairy
  • So You Want to Own Rural Land in Maryland
  • Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology Summer 2023 Communications Internship

March 2, 2023

  • Pruning to Restore Orchards
  • Wednesday Webinars Smartphone Studio
  • Soil Amendment Workshop
  • USDA Information Session Zoom Event
  • QuickBooks for Farmers, Part 1 Zoom Event
  • Wednesday Water Webinar Basic Tips for Managing Ponds
  • Farm Wells and Drinking Water Quality
  • Diversify Your Cover Crops On-Farm Series
  • Planting a Food Forest
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Webinars
  • Application Period Opens for MD Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program

February 2, 2023

  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Backyard Farming: Flock Fridays
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Power Couples Retreat
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training Carroll County
  • Central Maryland Commercial Applicator Recertification Course
  • Vegetable Growers Meetings
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health: Presented by Catoctin and Frederick SCD's & The Frederick Co. FB
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Changes to Livestock Antibiotic Regulations in 2023
  • Produce Safety Rule Grower Training
  • Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Plan Update Sessions for 2023
  • Wednesday Water Webinars: Upgrading Your Septic System to Best Available Technology
  • Wildlife Wednesday: Agronomic Considerations for Planting Wildlife Food Plots in Maryland: Dove & Deer
  • 22nd Women In Agriculture Regional Conference
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Agribusiness Tax Management Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update
  • Annie's Project Course
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Let's Get Ready For Your 2023 Farmer's Market Display
  • Poultry Legal Issues: Suspicious Vehicles and Drones
  • Wednesday Webinars: Smartphone Studio
  • Soil Amendments Workshop

January 5, 2023

  • 2023 Pennsylvania Farm Show
  • Delaware Ag Week 2023
  • Wednesday Webinars: Benchmarking for Success of the Cow-Calf Herd
  • Soil Health To Go! With Moon Valley Farm: Webinar Series
  • Future Harvest Conference
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension: Small Farm Orientation Webinar
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Smart Use of Deicing Salts
  • VA Cooperative Extension:
    • Recordkeeping on your Computer or Smartphone
    • How to Write a Business Plan for Lenders
  • 2023 Central Maryland Forage Conference
  • Produce Safety Rule Grower Training
  • Virginia Forage and Grassland Council: 2023 Winter Forage Conference Series
  • Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Workshop 
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention
  • Private Applicator Recertification Carroll County
  • Maryland Beginning Farmer Success Course
  • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 2023 Sheep Shearing School
  • Digging Deeper into Soil Health
  • Virtual Cottage Food Workshop
  • Central Maryland Agronomy Update

December 1, 2022

  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Recertification- Carroll County Office
  • Nutrient Management Voucher Training & Recertification- Frederick County Office
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey
  • We're Hiring: Agricultural Technician Lead
  • Cattle Health Management - CALVING 
  • 1st Annual Maryland Mushroom Growers Symposium
  • Ag Law Education Initiative Upcoming Events & Programs
  • Indigenous Farmer Caucus 
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Wintering Bulls & Cows
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Winter Care for a Septic System
  • Wednesday Webinar: Understanding Property Purchase Agreements
  • Application Period for 2022 Creek ReLeaf Program Will Close on December 15, 2022
  • Future Harvest Annual Conference
  • Holiday Wishes
  • A Guide to Custom Operators

November 3, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office Central Cluster Area Extension Director
  • 2023 Custom Rate Survey Open
  • Adult Mental Health First Aid: Virtual Applied Skills Workshop
  • Urban Farmer Field School
  • Black Farmer Caucus
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Benchmarking for Success
  • Wednesday Webinar: Keeping Your Fields Fine and Dandy-lion Free
  • Taking Cover Crops to the Next Level Field Day
  • Private Applicator Pesticide Training and Testing- Washington County
  • Pasture Walk at UMD Beef Demonstration Site
  • Cattle Health Management - Calving

September 30, 2022

  • Fall Training & Recertification Classes
  • We're Hiring for the Frederick Office 4-H Youth Development Agent
  • MD 4-H Foundation's 38th Annual Golf Tournament
  • Open House: Institute of Applied Agriculture 
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Utilizing Crop Residue as a Forage Source
  • Wednesday Webinar: Agriculture Leases
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Cover Crop Planning for Small-to-Mid Scale Diversified Farms
  • Wednesday Water Webinar: Things New Homeowners Need to Know About Their Septic System
  • Stakeholder Meetings Value Added Center
  • Maryland Advanced Grazing Workshop with Ranching for Profit
  • Wednesday Webinar: Regulatory Decision Trees for Value-Added Foods
  • Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference

September 1, 2022

  • Pesticide and Nutrient Voucher Training & Recertification
  • Potomac Edison Agricultural Energy Efficient Incentive Program
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Effective Pesticide Application Twilight - WyeREC
  • Future Harvest CASA and Fox Haven Farm: Herb Farm Best Practices
  • Online Course: The Woods in Your Backyard
  • Let's Talk About Climate Change: Motivate Everyone You Know to Be Part of the Solution
  • Garden Smarter Hugelkultur For Run Off Management and Soil Enhancement
  • Adventures in Medium-Scale Food Scraps Composting: EcoCity Farms
  • Solar Workshops
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Spring Stocker Cattle Recap: Successes and Lessons Learned
  • Adventures in Medium-Scale Food Scraps Composting: EcoCity Farms
  • Wednesday Webinar: Decision Making Resources and Tools for Cover Cropping and Other Best Management Practices
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farming Time Management
  • Maryland’s 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program
  • Woodland & Wildlife Wednesdays
  • Pasture Walk at Kefauver Farms
  • Pasture Walk at Fiddlers Folly Farm
  • Poultry Farm Management for New & Existing Growers
  • Special Commercial Cut Flower Growers Field Day
  • Nursery/Greenhouse/Controlled Environment Nutrient Management Plan Development
  • Maryland Grazing School
  • We're Hiring - Business Services Specialist

July 28, 2022

  • ALEI August Webinar Series
  • Maryland State Horticultural Society Summer Tour, hosted at Rock Hill Orchard & Woodbourne Creamery
  • ANMP Summer Series Part 2: Optimizing Fertilizer Use and Phosphorus Mining
  • Field Crops Research Twilight Barbecue and Ice Cream Social
  • Maryland Beef Webinar Series: Pasture Management: Stockpiling Tips 
  • New MDA Animal Diagnostic Lab and Education Tour 
  • Solar on the Farm
  • Virtual Forum: We Need an Epidemic of Climate Action
  • Wednesday Webinar: Farm Stress Management and Resiliency
  • Pasture Walk at Sines Family Farm
  • Future Harvest CASA Public Field Day Held at Good Dog Farm
  • Future Harvest CASA: 2023 Beginner Farmer Training Program Applications Open 
  • Virginia Tech Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center 2022 Field Day 
  • The Maryland State Fair
  • WMREC Sprayer and Pesticide Application Twilight Meeting
  • Maryland's 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program

June 30, 2022

  • Cover Your Bases - Plant Cover Crops
  • Tractor College: Maryland Soybean Board and Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board
  • Farming Practices Request
  • Upcoming Webinars & Field Days

June 6, 2022

  • Aerial Application of Cover Crop Seeds - Webinar
  • MDA 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Collection Dates
  • UME Survey
  • Avian Influenza Confirmed in Black Vultures
  • Market Readiness: Insider Tips For Maintaining Produce Quality After Harvest
  • Department Offering One-Time Bonus Payment for Approved CLEAR30 Enrollment
  • Gardner Advances Plans for Agriculture Innovation Center - Frederick County Govt.
  • Upcoming Webinars and Events

March 9, 2022

  • Avian Influenza
  • MDA Farming for Healthy Soil Program
  • Maryland Produce Farm Survey
  • Backyard Farming Series - Flock Fridays
  • Free Therapy Services for Farm Families
  • County Executive Proposes Bills to Streamline Farm Stand Process
  • Applications Open for Agriculture Innovation Grant Program
  • County Calls for Applications for Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Program
  • Questions During the Growing Season?
  • FCMG Plant Sale

January 28, 2022

  • Ag Agent Position
  • USDA Confirms Additional Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
  • Central MD Agronomy Update Meeting
  • Well Water Quality Survey and Project
  • Farm to School Program
  • AIR Help Day
  • Nutrient Management Farmer Training and Certification
  • Annie's Project
  • Solar Development Leasing: University of Maryland Focus Group Interest & Availability
  • Solar Workshops
  • Upcoming Ag Programs