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Updated: April 26, 2022
Grass Tetany
Grass tetany is a condition that occurs when magnesium levels in the blood and spinal fluid become too low to support normal bodily functions. The occurrence of grass tetany is often isolated to the springtime when cattle are grazing primarily lush, rapidly growing perennial pasture. Author: Sarah Potts, Ph.D.; Title: Grass Tetany
Updated: April 11, 2022
Managing Soil Fertility in Times of High Prices
Fertilizer prices have continued to climb, with prices increasing as much as 76 to 151% within the last year alone (Figure 1). Current predictions are that fertilizer prices are expected to remain elevated for at least the next six months, putting us well into the next growing season.
Updated: February 24, 2022
Archived Baltimore County Ag Insight
Archived Baltimore County Ag Insight newsletters.
Updated: January 18, 2022
Effect of an Improved Grazing Management System on Dairy Heifer Performance
This past spring, we initiated a study at the Central Maryland Research and Education Center Clarksville Dairy farm to investigate the effects of improved grazing management on bred heifer performance. The objectives were to determine the effect of improved grazing management on heifer growth characteristics and first lactation performance, as well as the economic feasibility of a using a grazing system to mitigate costs associated with the replacement program.
Updated: January 6, 2022
Frost Can Cause Hazards in Forage
With the first freeze of the fall just around the corner, remember that a frost can result in potential hazards for certain forages. When a plant freezes, changes occur in its metabolism and composition that can cause toxicity issues for livestock. A few issues to be on the lookout for are discussed in this article.
Updated: January 6, 2022
To Mow or Not to Mow?
When it comes to something like mowing or clipping pastures, there are certainly two sides to the fence: those that think mowing or clipping pastures is just something that has to be done, and those that think it is a waste of time and fuel and offers little benefit. In truth, the reality is that both sides are right—the need to mow or clip is usually site and time-specific and will depend on several factors. Sometimes the decision is easy, and sometimes the decision is less clear, so what are the arguments for or against mowing or clipping?
Updated: January 6, 2022
Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing
With August upon us, we may still be feeling the heat of the summer at the moment but whether or not we’re ready, cooler temperatures are just around the corner and it’s time to be thinking about winter feeding strategies. Using harvested forages for winter feed represents a substantial expense for livestock operations. For many grazing operations, stockpiling can be an effective strategy to extend forage resources further into the fall and winter season, reducing the costs associated with harvesting and storing feed and providing high-quality pasture for fall and winter grazing.
Updated: September 8, 2021
Cattle Tales Livestock Newsletter-August 2021
Cattle Tales Livestock is a quarterly newsletter published by the University of Maryland Extension that focuses on bringing timely, relevant information to Maryland's livestock producers. Topics in this issue (August 2021, Edition 2) are Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing, Weaning Tips and Vaccination Programs for Beef Calves, Managing Bloat in Pastured Cattle, and Limit Feeding Growing Cattle.
Updated: August 6, 2021
Grazing Mistakes to Avoid
Fortunately or unfortunately, people are creatures of habit. Over the years, we’ve developed behaviors and habits that will stick with us for a lifetime. This applies to our daily routines and the choices we make, both good and bad. Whether it’s not getting enough sleep, skimping on the sunscreen, or neglecting to floss on a daily basis, we often find ourselves guilty of making the same mistakes again and again. Unfortunately, this same phenomenon also holds true when it comes to grazing livestock. As you make plans for the upcoming growing season, here are a few of the more common grazing mistakes that we often fall prey to. Let’s do our best to break that habit and avoid these mistakes moving forward.
Updated: July 29, 2021
Maryland Milk Moos-March 2021
Maryland Milk Moos Newsletter (March 2021-Volume 2, Issue 1). Topics include pre-weaned calf housing and nutrition, grazing tips, and management of poor alfalfa stands.
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