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Updated: September 6, 2023
Trending Enterprises in Maryland
The Trending Enterprises in Maryland Module contains resources for trending enterprises in Maryland.
Updated: March 9, 2023
Chapter 3: Marketing challenges and opportunities
Chapter 3: Marketing challenges and opportunities is part of the online publication "From Surviving to Thriving: Strategies for Urban Farm Success. There are many marketing opportunities for urban farmers. When agriculture can take place literally in the customer’s backyards, this high visibility in a populated area can attract a wide variety of customers. Urban producers still face the challenge of competing with farmers from peri-urban areas that have more land, can produce greater volumes of product, and have lower cost of production.
Updated: November 1, 2022
Food Processing in Maryland
Are you a specialty food entrepreneur? If so, check out the Food Processing in Maryland module. This invaluable module provides information about how to sell and process food in Maryland. This module will include rules for specific foods and important regulatory information. Our interactive map of Maryland's regulatory environment provides you with location-specific contacts.
Updated: September 2, 2021
Cottage Food Business Law
Labeling and packaging
Updated: July 29, 2021
The world will "beat a path to your door"... only if they know who you are, what you've got, and where to reach you. That's a large part of the "deliverables" in your marketing plan. But don't confuse a plan with the actual marketing activities. You need both to succeed.
Updated: July 29, 2021
Test and Track
Trying to guess at your marketing strategy and effectiveness is a guaranteed way to fail. People and market dynamics are just too complicated. Everything you do in your business will be a test. When you try something that produces good results, you’ll keep it. When you do something that doesn’t produce, you need to stop doing it. Sounds simple, but a surprising number of businesses keep repeating a marketing strategy because it's easier, or they don’t have another, or they’ve convinced themselves it’s a good approach with willful disinformation.
Updated: July 29, 2021
Marketing Mix
You’ve done your market research. You’ve learned about the history and life-cycle of products like yours and the trends and key drivers that determine where your products or services “fit in the industry” Now it’s time to distill your research findings into a concentrated effort to generate a product that reflects your business goals and objectives while providing solutions (price, packaging, convenience) for the customer.
Updated: July 29, 2021
Defining A Market
What is a market or a market share? Simply stated, a market is a group of people who are willing and able to become and to remain your customers. Identifying your customer base is one of the first elements of the marketing process. Figuring out which people have the strongest likelihood of becoming and remaining your customer by identifying common characteristics within the group will help you better define your product. It will also make a difference on how and what you use to reach that market.
Updated: July 29, 2021
What is Marketing
I never met anyone who got into farming because they enjoyed trying to predict consumer buying preferences or because they got great personal satisfaction from tracking the grain futures market. Most business entrepreneurs aren’t thrilled about spending time researching their competitors’ advantages. Farmers want to farm. Entrepreneurs want to develop businesses around new products or services. Neither prefers to spend a substantial portion of their time or financial resources developing their marketing program, much less implementing it themselves. Not that they’re not capable of doing so - they often don’t find the work enjoyable and they’re just not sure how to go about it. Yet, until a farm or enterprise makes its first profitable sale, it’s a business in name only.
Updated: July 29, 2021
Market Research
The process of identifying your potential customer Decision Marketing Units (DMUs), determining your market segments, and then developing a targeted strategy is called market research. This research involves gathering additional information about customers, competition, and overall market potential.
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