Looking for a way to keep everyone busy without breaking the bank? It may be dark and cold, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! Check out some low- and no-cost ideas for fun over winter break.
Glow sticks
Turn those dark mornings and evenings into a dance party. Tape or tie some glow sticks onto your clothes for a fun dance party. Check it out here.

Styrofoam/Paper Plates
These plates can hold more than just food. Try using these plates as point markers to hit for games, or pretend ice skates for indoor ice skating.
Dancing Dice
Have extra boxes left over? Recycle those boxes into dancing dice. Label each side with your favorite activity, animal movement, or dance, and give it a toss. Check out a tutorial here. Looking for more activity ideas to label on your dice? Try out some of these activities:
- Animal actions and sounds
- Bug movements
- Superhero moves
- Move a body part
Winter Wear

Why not use our winter jackets, gloves, hats, and scarves for more than playing outside?! Pile up all of your winter gear to use for a relay race, like this one. Place a pile of winter clothes on one end of the room or space. One at a time, each player runs to the pile, puts on their winter gear, then runs back to tag the next player. Once all players are dressed, do the whole thing in reverse!
Sock bean bags
Turn your old or lonely socks into bean bags. No sewing needed! These bean bags can be used for bowling, balancing, catch, tic tac toe, and more - the possibilities are endless.
- Flip your sock inside out.
- Tie a knot on one end.
- Flip your sock back to the right side.
- Fill with dried beans, rice, or whatever you have available.
- Tie a knot to close.
Follow this tutorial here for detailed instructions and more game ideas.